Rabu, 08 Juli 2015

APV Lab Homogenizer

APV Lab Homogenizer
APV Lab Homogenizer
APV LAB HOMOGENIZER adalah homogenizer yang didesign dan dikembangkan khusus untuk anda yang berkerja di R&D Laboratorium dalam industri dairy, food & beverages, pharmaceutical, dan personal care.

Features :

  • Unique, knife-edge dual function homogenizing and cell disruption valve helps deliver superior emulsions, dispersions or harvest of intracellular product
  • Available two-stage homogenizing valve can be specified in either tungsten carbide or ceramic
  • Features an easy-to-read digital pressure display and electronic pressure safety system
  • Small footprint – suitable for benchtop location
  • Field-replaceable and reversible tungsten carbide pump valve seats
  • Smooth, quiet and reliable operation
Optimal Equipment :
  • Air operated pressure feeder assembly
  • Explosion proof design  
  • Two-stage homogenizing valve assembly
  • Aseptic cylinder design
  • Digital gauge and gauge adapter for second stage pressure readout
Typical Product Applications :

Food & Beverages :
  • Beverages Emulsion
  • Fat Subtitutes
  • Milk 
  • Sauce
Personal Care/Cosmetics :
  • Hair Products
  • Liposome Emulsion
  • Nail Polish
  • Skin Creams
Pharmaceuticals/Biotech :
  • Cell disruption
  • Intravenous emulsions 
  • Nutritional supplements 
  • Ointments
Chemicals :
  • Inks
  • Pigment dispersions
  • Silicone emulsions
  • Specialty paints and coatings


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